Take a listen to my sermons, if you wish!


Sinners and Saints

Ericka invites us to continue in our journey through the Gospel of John. We are shown, time and again, the signs of God’s redeeming love accepting us as sinners while calling us toward the “sainthood” of living fully into that love.


Hope In Our Storms

Ericka shares insights from from the Book of Jonah. The tiny book in the Hebrew Scriptures has the potential to change the way we engage the world around us, giving us the capacity to see God in everything and everyone we encounter.


The Space Between

Ericka enters the parables of the lost in Luke 15, and invites us to consider the ways that God meets us in the midst of our longings and all that may feel less than whole.


Hope Floats

Ericka teaches on finding meaning within and around the seemingly mundane. There is great beauty and truth to be found in what appears at first to be ordinary, but may offer deeper insight into the ways we are called to presence with one another.


The Spiritual Spiral

Ericka leads us deeper into the desert of this Lenten season, considering the temptations and demons we all face throughout our journey. Just as the Tempter left Jesus for another opportune time, we will surely be met by temptation time and again, and must rely on the strength that Jesus has given us to stand firm in the past.


Being IN Love

Ericka invites us to consider the active rhythms of God’s love. The God who made us knows us intimately. The God who came down to be with us empathizes with our limps and burdens. The God who loves all is expansive and inclusive in gathering His people together.


Grace and Fire

Ericka Graham taught through Jesus’ Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard, and shared vulnerably from her own experience of coming to the knowledge and acceptance of grace during a time of deep trial and shame. Grace is humbling to accept because God meets us in our sin and unworthiness, calling us beloved, just as we are.